Acousticlub Vol.4 Archive

大日本マニフェスト - 清水チャートリー








神奈川県逗子市出身。横須賀米軍基地内のハンバーガーショップHAYAKU INN店員、武蔵小山商店街のビデオレンタルショップ「ビデオエイジ」店員、バイク速急便「タックル」専属ライダー等を務めるかたわら、パンクバンドdomudaを率いて解散ライブと再結成ライブを繰り返してきました。domudaは2017年12月の甲府桜座ライブを最後に解散中ですが、野中は担当をヴォーカルからペルシャの楽器サントゥールに替えて新生domudaの発進を計画しています。他に国立音楽大学大学院教授として学部の「音楽文化論」「専門ゼミ」「日本語文章術」「グレゴリオ聖歌」、大学院の「テーマ別演習」等を担当しています。著書に『名曲偏愛学』(時事通信社)『音楽案内』(深夜叢書社)があります。

Dai-Nippon Manifesto

In Japan, there are countless courtesies and etiquettes that are considered to be common sense. By exploring through history, we can see that these so-called “manners” have been acquired throughout history to harmonize a group of people, as well as to efficiently control society. However, one can experience that many of these courtesies has been reduced to a formality in this age, where acceptance of a diverse lifestyle and ideas has, fortunately, become more common. Dai-Nippon Manifesto is a portrayal of a modern person, who is unable to escape from the binding rules of “common sense”.

Chatori Shimizu

Born in 1990 in Osaka. He graduated from Kunitachi College of Music with Arima Prize. After working at the University of Pittsburgh as a Mitsubishi Foundation Fellow, in 2018 he moved his base to Dresden, Germany. He received a commission from music festival in US, China and Europe and featured.


Nonaka Ei

Nonaka Ei was born in Zushi, Kanagawa. Upon working in multiple jobs such as HAYAKU, a hamburger shop in the Yokosuka US military base, video rental shop in Musashi-Koyama, and at a motorcycle delivery service “Tackle”, he has been part of the repeated formations and disbandments of his punk band “domuda”. Although “domuda” has disbanded in December of 2017, Nonaka is secretly planning to reform the band, with him sliding from the vocal position to playing the Persian instrument of Santur. He also holds a professorship position in Kunitachi College of Music, with topics ranging from Gregorian chants to music culture. He is also a published author.