Acousticlub Vol.4 Archive

Sensus - 梅本佑利




1. 映像を音楽の補助となる。

2. 音楽を映像の補助となる。

3. 映像が音楽の一部になる。

4. 音楽が映像の一部になる。



2002年東京生まれ。2018年, 秋吉台 夏現代音楽講習会のコンサートシリーズ アンサンブル秋吉台にて, 「Automatism1a, 1b」がヴァイオリニストの松岡麻衣子によって初演され, 同年, 室内楽作品の個展を開催。その後もいくつかの新作初演を重ね, 2019年6月にはヴィブラフォン奏者, 會田瑞樹によって新作が初演された。2020年にはサンクトペテルブルクにて新作オペラが初演予定。モスクワ音楽院作曲科マスタークラスにてイリーナ・デュプコワに学ぶ。 作曲を荻久保和明, 松下倫士, 川島素晴の各氏に師事。 現在は東京音楽大学付属高等学校 作曲科2年に在学中。



プログラマー, エンジニア, VJ。Webの実験的な制作活動や映像のシステム作りなどを中心に様々なジャンルで制作活動を行う。また、Akihiko Matsumotoをはじめとするアーティストのアシスタントプログラマーとしても活動している。


I’ve always wanted to write a work with a concept treating “sight” and “hearing” equally. This time, a collaboration with programmer Kōsaku Namikawa was realized, and I will compose with the concept. The relationship between video and music could be classified simply into four patterns.

Video assists music. As an introductory image to the sounds, an abstract video is shown accompanying the sounds.

Music assists video. As an introductory music to image, an abstract music is played along with the video.

Video becomes part of music. Sounds can be imagined by images and the interaction of the sounds.

Music becomes part of video. Videos can be imagined by sounds and the interaction of the images.

Those patterns will be done in the order, but the order will be switched, finally all patterns will be mixed.

Yuri Umemoto

Born in 2002 in Tokyo. In 2018 in Akiyoshidai Summer Contemporary Music Workshop Concert Series Ensemble “Automatism1a, 1b” was premiered by violinist Maiko Matsuoka. In the same year he held a solo exhibition of chamber music works. After that, his several new works were premiered, in June 2019 his new work was premiered by vibraphone player Mizuki Aita. In 2020, his new opera will be premiered in St. Petersburg. He attended master class by Irina Dubkova at the Moscow Conservatory. Studying composition with Kazuaki Ogikubo, Tomohito Matsushita and Motoharu Kawashima. Currently he belongs to the second year of Tokyo College of Music High School majoring composition.


VJ: Kōsaku Namikawa

Programmer, engineer. Namikawa works in various genres such as experimental production and video system of VJ Web. He also works as an assistant programmer for artists for example Akihiko Matsumoto.